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電話(huà): 0510-87589778
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郵箱: wyp@kaileip.com
網(wǎng)址: www.sportingwayoflife.com
名稱(chēng)Name | 狀態(tài)Appearance | 離子性Ionicity | 應用特性Application | 參考用量Reference dosage | 包裝規格 |
高濃縮螯合 分散劑HS-8086AHighly-concentrated chelated dispersing agent HS-8086A | 液體Liquid | 陰離子Anion | 有效螫合水中的金屬離子,防止氧漂時(shí)脆損、白點(diǎn)和破洞,促進(jìn)染料溶解,防止聚集而沉積,提高鮮艷度用于煮練、漂白和染色工序。1噸可化成3-4噸。Effective chelation for the metal ions in the water, prevent brittleness, white dot and broken holes during the oxygen bleaching process; accelerate the dissolving of dyestuff to avoid accumulative sediments; Increase the color brightness; used in scouring, bleaching and dyeing processes. 1 ton may be diluted to 3 -4 tons. | 稀釋后用量 1-2g/l Dosage after dilution 1-2g/l | 125kg塑料桶 |
高濃縮螯合 分散劑HS-8086B Highly-concentrated chelated dispersing agent HS-8086B | 液體Liquid | 陰離子Anion | 有效螯合水中的金屬離子,防止氧漂時(shí)脆損、白點(diǎn)和破洞,促進(jìn)染料溶解,防止聚集而沉積,提高鮮艷度用于煮練、漂白和染色工序,不含磷。1噸可化成3-4噸。Effective chelation for the metal ions in the water, prevent brittleness, white dot and broken holes during the oxygen bleaching process; accelerate the dissolving of dyestuff to avoid accumulative sediments; Increase the color brightness; used in scouring, bleaching and dyeing processes; free of phosphor; 1 ton may be diluted to 3 -4 tons. | 稀釋后用量 1-2g/l Dosage after dilution 1-2g/l | 125kg塑料桶 |
鐵離子螯合 分散劑HS-8086C Ferric ion chelated dispersing agent HS-8086C | 粉狀Powder | 陰離子Anion | 對鐵離子有極強的螯合力,可適合在軋染煮練和氧漂中使用??芍苯邮褂靡部砷_(kāi)稀使用,1噸可化成4-5噸。Effective chelation for the ferric ions; used in pad dyeing, scouring, oxygen bleaching processes; may be used directly or used after being diluted; 1 ton may be diluted to 4 -5 tons; | 稀釋后用量 2-3g/l Dosage after dilution 2-3g/l | 25kg袋裝 |
高濃縮氧漂 穩定劑HS-2000B Highly-concentrated oxygen bleaching stabilizing agent HS-2000B | 液體Liquid | 陰離子Anion | 耐強堿,對鐵離子很好的螯合作用,保證雙氧水的有效分解,可用于冷軋堆和堿氧一浴工藝,1噸可化成3-4噸。Highly resistant to strong caustic; effective chelation for the ferric ions; effective decomposition for hydrogen peroxide; used in cold pad-batch process and alkali-oxygen one-bath process, 1 ton may be diluted to 3 -4 tons | 稀釋后用量 5-8g/l Dosage after dilution5-8g/l | 125kg塑料桶 |
高濃縮耐堿 精練滲透劑HS-120A Highly-concentrated alkali resistant scouring penetrating agent HS-120A | 粘稠液體Viscous fluid | 陰離子Anion | 耐堿120g/l左右,具有優(yōu)良的滲透、乳化、分散和洗凈力,用于棉、麻及其混紡織物的軋染前處理工藝。1噸可化成4-5噸。Caustic resistant, approximate 120g/l; excellent performance regarding penetration, emulsification, dispersing and cleaning power; used in pad dyeing pretreatment process for cotton, flax and blended fabrics; 1 ton may be diluted to 4 -5 tons. | 稀釋后用量 5-8g/l Dosage after dilution 5 -8g/l | 125kg塑料桶 |
高濃縮耐堿 精練滲透劑HS-120B Highly-concentrated alkali resistant scouring penetrating agent HS-120B | 粘稠液體Viscous fluid | 陰離子Anion | 耐堿180g/l左右,具有優(yōu)良的滲透、乳化、分散和洗凈力,用于棉、麻及其混紡織物的軋染前處理工藝。1噸可化成4-5噸。Caustic resistant, approximate 180g/l; excellent performance regarding penetration, emulsification, dispersing and cleaning power; used in pad dyeing pretreatment process for cotton, flax and blended fabrics; 1 ton may be diluted to 4 -5 tons | 稀釋后用量 5-8g/l Dosage after dilution 5 -8g/l | 125kg塑料桶 |
高濃縮 精練滲透劑HS-120 Highly-concentrated scouring penetrating agent HS-120 | 粘稠液體Viscous fluid | 陰離子Anion | 具有優(yōu)良的滲透、乳化、分散和洗凈力,用于針織布、毛巾、筒子紗及其混紡織物前處理工藝。1噸可化成4-5噸。Excellent performance regarding penetration, emulsification, dispersing and cleaning power; used in pretreatment process for knitted fabric, towel, cone yarn and blended fabrics; 1 ton may be diluted to 4 -5 tons | 稀釋后用量 1-2g/l Dosage after dilution 1 -2g/l | 125kg塑料桶 |
氧漂煮練酶 HS-186 Oxygen bleaching scouring enzyme HS -186 | 粉狀Powder | 陰離子Anion | 有乳化、滲透、凈棉等效果;失重率低,手感好,COD、BOD排放比常規低,代替傳統的燒堿氧漂工藝,用于針織布,絞紗等織物的前處理。Effectiveness for emulsification, penetration and cotton cleaning etc; low weight-loss ratio; excellent hand-feeling; Level of COD, BOD in drainage water lower than that of normal practice, used in place of traditional caustic soda oxygen bleaching process; used in pretreatment process for knitted fabric and reeled yarn etc; | 用量 1.5-2g/l Dosage 1.5 -2 g/l | 25kg袋裝 |
氧漂煮練酶 HS-128 Oxygen bleaching scouring enzyme HS -128 | 粉狀Powder | 陰離子Anion | 有乳化、滲透、凈棉等效果;失重率低,手感好,COD、BOD排放比常規低,代替傳統的燒堿氧漂工藝,用于針織布,絞紗等織物的前處理。Effectiveness for emulsification, penetration and cotton cleaning etc; low weight-loss ratio; excellent hand-feeling; Level of COD, BOD in drainage water lower than that of normal practice, used in place of traditional caustic soda oxygen bleaching process; used in pretreatment process for knitted fabric and reeled yarn etc; | 用量 1.5-2g/l Dosage 1.5 -2 g/l | 25kg袋裝 |
氧漂煮練酶 HS-118 Oxygen bleaching scouring enzyme HS -118 | 粉狀Powder | 陰離子Anion | 有乳化、滲透、凈棉等效果;失重率低,手感好,COD、BOD排放比常規低,代替傳統的燒堿氧漂工藝,用于針織布,絞紗等織物的前處理。Effectiveness for emulsification, penetration and cotton cleaning etc; low weight-loss ratio; excellent hand-feeling; Level of COD, BOD in drainage water lower than that of normal practice, used in place of traditional caustic soda oxygen bleaching process; used in pretreatment process for knitted fabric and reeled yarn etc; | 用量 1.5-2g/l Dosage 1.5 -2 g/l | 25kg袋裝 |
氧漂煮練酶 HS-182 Oxygen bleaching scouring enzyme HS -182 | 粉狀Powder | 陰離子Anion | 有乳化、滲透、凈棉等效果;失重率低,手感好,COD、BOD排放比常規低,代替傳統的燒堿氧漂工藝,用于針織布,絞紗,筒子紗等織物的前處理。Effectiveness for emulsification, penetration and cotton cleaning etc; low weight-loss ratio; excellent hand-feeling; Level of COD, BOD in drainage water lower than that of normal practice, used in place of traditional caustic soda oxygen bleaching process; used in pretreatment process for knitted fabric, reeled yarn and cone yarn etc; | 用量 1.5-2g/l Dosage 1.5 -2 g/l | 25kg袋裝 |
氧漂煮練酶 HS-188 Oxygen bleaching scouring enzyme HS -188 | 粉狀Powder | 陰離子Anion | 取代了長(cháng)車(chē)軋染傳統的高堿多步工藝,采用低堿和無(wú)堿短流程工藝,減少COD、BOD的排放,織物失重率低,纖維損傷小,毛效白度好。Used in place of the traditional high alkali multi-step process for long-lathe pad dyeing, use of low-alkali and alkali-free short process; discharge of COD, BOD reduced; low weight-loss ratio of fabrics, less damage to the fiber, excellent whiteness and capillary effect | 用量 15-20g/l Dosage 15 -20 g/l | 25kg袋裝 |
氧漂煮練酶 HS-158 Oxygen bleaching scouring enzyme HS -158 | 粉狀Powder | 陰離子Anion | 代替長(cháng)車(chē)軋染傳統的冷堆高堿工藝,采用低堿和無(wú)堿短流程工藝,減少COD、BOD的排放,織物失重率低,纖維損傷小,毛效白度好。Used in place of the traditional cold-batching high alkali process for long-lathe pad dyeing, use of low-alkali and alkali-free short process; discharge of COD, BOD reduced; low weight-loss ratio of fabrics, less damage to the fiber, excellent whiteness and capillary effect | 用量 15-20g/l Dosage 15 -20 g/l | 25kg袋裝 |
氧漂煮練酶 HS-108 Oxygen bleaching scouring enzyme HS -108 | 粉狀Powder | 陰離子Anion | 在印花布前處理工藝中,采用無(wú)堿一浴法工藝,減少COD、BOD的排放,縮短工藝,節約能源,織物失重率低,纖維損傷小,毛效白度好。Use of alkali one-bath process in the pretreatment of printed fabric; discharge of COD, BOD reduced, process shortened; power saving, low weight-loss ratio of fabrics, less damage to the fiber, excellent whiteness and capillary effect | 用量 25-30g/l Dosage 25 -30 g/l | 25kg袋裝 |
精練酶 HS-288 Oxygen bleaching scouring enzyme HS -288 | 淺棕色液體Light brown liquid | 陰離子Anion | 在長(cháng)車(chē)前處理中,和煮練酶188系列配套使用,有較好煮練輔助作用,不容易出現破洞,并有較好的白度和毛效。Better performance in aiding the scouring process when used with scouring enzyme 188 series in the long-lathe pretreatment process, which makes it impossibility for broken holes but with better whiteness and capillary effect. | 用量 5-15g/l Dosage 8 -10 g/l | 125kg塑料桶 |